The unique Rotobrush® patented technology is a reversible rotating brush head on a vacuum hose. The rotational direction of the brush allows the operator to maneuver around impediments to the passing of the hose through ducts.
Forward-reverse switching
Paint bonding grill to wall cut, then grill removed/duct cleaned
Process of work
First, registers and grills are removed, often using a razor knife to cut the paint bond. After taking before and after photos and cleaning, the grills and registers are reinstalled, and the trunks are cleaned with a larger brush head. Some trunks may need a cut-out hole, which is then patched with sheet metal after photos and cleaning.
Duct work may need regular cleaning, in homes with a lot of dust, shedding pets, wood shops, or those on dirt roads. It’s especially important to clean air ducts after remodeling or construction.
Dead critters like mice and bats in ducts, as well as various lost items, have been retrieved from ducts, including a gold ring that was returned to its thankful owner.
Hazardous lint fire!
Consider having dryer vents inspected and cleaned at least once a year. Clogged vents can waste energy, increase drying times, and in the case of older dryers potentially cause lint fires. Some newer dryers have built in safety features preventing such fires.
Our charge is typically $150 for dryer vent cleaning, or $269 for long and/or concealed runs. Additionally, there is a $30 fee for every 30 minutes of travel beyond our base near and south of Holly, MI.